Globe High School serves students in grades 9 through 12 or graduation. GHS proudly offers many programs to prepare students to become productive citizens regardless of their career aspirations. Examples include: College and Career Readiness Program, Career and Technical Education, the Alternative Learning Center, the Cobre Valley Institute of Technology which helps student earn certificates (i.e.: nursing & welding) and the GHS/Gila Community College Academy where students can graduate high school with an Associate’s Degree (for free).
Points of Pride: College & Career Readiness Program, GHS/Gila Community College Academy, EAC/Gila Pueblo Partnership, GEAR, UP Program, CTE Programs, Center for Accelerated Learning, Robotics, GHS Bullying & Suicide Prevention, National FFA Association, CVIT Program, AP Classes, Student Council, Yearbook, National Honor Society, JROTC, and Athletics.