July 20, 2020
TKO Learning Academy DEMO is now open for students and parents. Please use the link below to access DEMO link and program information.
TKO Online Academy
July 14, 2020
We are excited to welcome (back) Mr. Michael Mrozinski as High Desert Middle School Assistant Principal. Mr. Mrozinski joins us from Michigan and was able to spend some time at HD...
July 13, 2020
As a reminder, we will be serving, "Free Meals" curbside at Copper Rim Elementary every Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. through July 24th. If you have f...
July 9, 2020
We are very excited to announce the launch of our newly designed Globe School District website. Visit us at www.globeschools.org to see all the new changes. We wanted to make t...
July 8, 2020
Globe Unified School District is excited to announce a new mobile app for parents, students, and community to get updated school news, scheduled events, and real time notification...
July 7, 2020
Please help us welcome our new High Desert Middle School Principal - Mr. Darryl Gentry! Mr.
Gentry is a native of Fort Worth, TX. He graduated from the
International Bacc...
July 6, 2020
We are excited to announce our TKO (Tiger Knowledge Online) academy which will be an online exclusive option for GUSD students during the current COVID pandemic. The TKO academy ...
July 5, 2020
In accordance with A.R.S 15.904 (A), districts that maintain a website must provide a link on their website to ADE’s website where the District’s Annual Financial Report ...
May 20, 2020
The Class of 2020 celebrated their upcoming graduation tonight (the original graduation date) with a graduate sign walk at Harbison field. The graduate sign walk was an adaptation...