Welcome to Copper Rim Elementary School
Upcoming PTO meetings
February 8th @ 2:30
March 22nd @ 2:30
April 12th @ 2:30
May 10th @ 2:30
All the meetings will be in Room 13.
Upcoming Events
Tiger Fun Run February 15th - Online donations are currently underway.
Copper Rim's Charlotte's Web Night Thursday, April 20th.
What has Copper Rim PTO Done Lately?
Purchased a new shade structure for the playground
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory Extravaganza
Teacher Appreciation lunches, dinner, and gifts
Popcorn Celebration for students.
Fun Run 2022
How Can I Help Copper Rim PTO?
Copper Rim PTO needs your unique talents, whether it is volunteering a few hours a month or a few hours a year, serving on the board, or attending meetings, or by donations. Come help us make a difference at Copper Rim. For questions about volunteering or donating, email cres.pto@globeschools.org
Specific Upcoming Help Needed:
Candy and drinks donations (bags of wrapped candy, can sodas, bottled water)
Fall Fair Festival volunteers (November 17th)
Turkey Trot volunteers from 8 to noon (November 22nd)
Mini-pie donations for the Turkey Trot on November 22nd
Donations can be dropped off at Copper Rim’s office.
Upcoming Copper Rim PTO Meetings
Wednesday, September 14th @ 5:30 pm in Copper Rim’s library
Wednesday, October 5th @ 2:30 pm in room 13
Wednesday, November 9th @ 2:30 pm in room 13
Upcoming Events at Copper Rim
Trick or Treat at Copper Rim- October 27th
Fall Fair Festival- November 17th
Parent Teacher Conferences – November 21st and 22nd (1/2 day of school)
Turkey Trot- November 22nd (1/2 day of school)
Fun Run – February 16, 2023 (1/2 day of school)

Support a Classroom with DonorChoose:
DonorChoose.org makes it easy for anyone to help a teacher in need, moving us closer to a nation where students in every community have the tools and experiences they need for a great education.
Copper Rim teachers have some great ideas for making your child’s classroom more engaging. Check out the following links to see these great ideas. You can support these classrooms by donating directly on their projects at Donorschoose.org
Popcorn Fundraiser
Copper Rim PTO is having a popcorn fundraiser. Please sign up at the website below. It will run from September 26th thru October 7th. This fundraiser will help get more technology into the classrooms to help your students learn and grow!
Please join our fundraiser by clicking the link "Poppin Popcorn Online"
Once registered, you'll be able to log in and start selling by simply posting a link to your Facebook page. Log in from your mobile device to send text messages to close family & friends. Or you can also send your fundraiser link via email. Good luck, and have fun selling!
If you have any questions, please call the school or email cres.pto@globeschools.org
Thank you for your support!
Copper Rim PTO
The fundraiser company is called Poppin Popcorn