September 1, 2022
Dear GUSD Families and Friends,
I can’t believe we have already completed 5 weeks of school. While the weather is still quite summer-like, we know fall is on the way and will be full of activities and events at Globe Unified School District. I just wanted to update my website letter and take a minute to share an important event taking place in just over a week at GUSD.
Anyone living in our culture today and working in a school must realize how very important the safety of our students is. For this is the reason GUSD is planning a special training covering the topics of Emergency Response and Emergency Reunification. This will be a district-wide training for all staff members and will take place on Friday, September 9th. GUSD is using this training session for our entire staff as a springboard for updating and working on all of our safety plans and protocols.
Even though no one can absolutely guarantee violence will not occur in their community, we want to do all we can to try to prevent violence and to be prepared for any emergency. GUSD has invited local law enforcement and first responders to our training as well. The GUSD board and administration take the protection of our students as the very highest priority in our realm of responsibility. We believe it is one more aspect of us trying to live up to our motto, “Capturing Hearts, Empowering Minds.”
Jerry Jennex, Superintendent
Superintendent's Web Message September 1, 2022